The closest campground to Lincoln, Nebraska, was the Pawnee
Lake State Recreation Area. As we pulled in, we recognized that it was the same
campground we had stayed in last time we visited the University of Nebraska in Lincoln
in spring of 2011. The trees were turning bronze, gold and crimson, popping
sounds of duck hunters’ guns echoed from across the lake that was clearly low
(little rain this summer…), and there were no dandelions anywhere. Dandelions?
When we camped there a year and a half ago the campground had been covered with
dandelions, and like the resourceful gypsy wandering book artists we are, we
picked the dandelions and as we traveled we made wine. Here is a
picture from the last trip of the wine fermenting in the back of the truck. We
didn’t have an air lock with us so used the old rubber glove trick.
Well I packed one of the bottles of 2011 dandelion wine to
share with our moonshiner ukulele friend Dave in Brasstown, NC. But this was the perfect occasion, so we pulled it out of the
gypsy wagon’s wine cellar (a Coleman ice chest under the bed) and opened it.
toasted the full moon, the open road, and good friends, like uke friend Dave,
who would share his unreceived wine with us.
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